Quaker work
in the UK and
around the world
Quakers have a rich history of leading social change. The links on this page will introduce you to some of the ways we get involved in helping to make the world a better place for us all.

Climate Justice demo © Suki Ferguson & BYM
Quaker work
Social action & non-violence training
Queries, 1964
Are you working towards the removal of social injustices? Have you attempted to examine their causes objectively, and are you ready to abandon old prejudices and think again? Do you, as disciples of Christ, take a living interest in the social conditions of the district in which you live? Do you seek to promote the welfare of those in any kind of need and a just distribution of the resources of the world?
(QF&P 23.19)
Social justice
Sustainability / environment
International work
Eva I Pinthus, 1987
The duty of the Society of Friends is to be the voice of the oppressed but [also] to be conscious that we ourselves are part of that oppression. Uncomfortably we stand with one foot in the kingdom of this world and with the other in the Eternal Kingdom. Seldom can we keep the inward and outward working of love in balance, let alone the consciousness of living both in time and in eternity, in timelessness. Let us not be beguiled into thinking that political action is all that is asked of us, nor that our personal relationship with God excuses us from actively confronting the evil in this world. The political and social struggles must be waged, but a person is more and needs more than politics, else we are in danger of gaining the whole world but losing our souls.
(QF&P 23.04)

Quakers protest - peace © Quakers in Britain