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Quakers share

a way of life rather

than a set of beliefs

Quakers share a way of life, rather than a set of beliefs. We seek to experience God directly, within ourselves and in our relationships with others and the world around us. These direct encounters with the divine (however defined) are where Quakers find meaning and purpose. Quaker faith is a search for truth, not an arrival.

Quakers at Meeting House © Mike Pinches
Quakers at Meeting House © Mike Pinches

Quaker Journeys


Quakers speak about their own lives and experiences tht brought them to Quakers:


A Quaker Take on…


Take some time to listen to a Quaker take on a range of topics and issues


‘Quaker Speak’


Most communities and organisations develop their own terminology and Quakers are no different in this – in fact some of the most loved expressions go back to the 17th Century when Quakers were persecuted by the state. If you find expressions that don’t seem clear do ask at your local meeting or follow this link to learn about Quaker terms

Find out more about Quakers
'Room for hire' is reproduced with permission of Britain Yearly Meeting, available to download from
Norfolk & Waveney Quaker Meeting

Norfolk & Waveney
Area Quaker Meeting

of the Religious Society of Friends

© Norfolk & Waveney Area Meeting 2024

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